My husband AJ was paroled in February of 2006. On his first day of freedom, the hell began. From his new parole agent telling me that she "couldn't wait to send his ass back to prison" to....he and I getting stopped in a parking lot and slammed face first down onto the asphalt. Society was not ready to offer redemption to a newly released ex-con. After much effort we had his parole transferred out here to L.A. County thinking things would be better. Because prison life had institutionalized AJ so badly, we decided that working here with our non-profit dog rescue would be the perfect situation for him to mainstream back into a sometimes cruel world.
It didn't take long to see the effect the dogs had on my husband. He began to relax and his love for life came back. AJ then came up with the idea of sharing our dogs with other newly released parolees. Our new program became a success rehabilitating many parolees and helping them mainstream back into society. The Underdawgz program was featured in many newspaper articles, magazines and various news stories. After winning an award for one of "L.A's Most Important People in 2007", producers soon approached and offered us our own TV reality series based on the good work that we do with parolees and our dogs. Preliminary filming began and things were looking good for us.
Then on the morning of Sept 11th 2007, our facility got a "visit" from parole and law enforcement. They claimed it was a "routine" parole search. But due to the fact that there were several deputies and they had guns drawn, "routine" was obviously not on their mind. Ironically my husband was at the parole office turning in his monthly report so he had no idea the hell we were being put through. Because this is a pending case, I cannot at this time go through the details of the raid but trust me....I can't wait to reveal it all. After tearing up our house and property, they left and told me to have my husband call them. After a few phone calls back and forth with his parole agent, my husband and I decided to call the supervisor for the parole office and try to find out what this was all about. The supervisor told us "it was just a misunderstanding" and told my husband to come into the office to straighten things out. My husband and I went in that following business day thinking we were having a meeting with the supervisor and my husband's parole agent. As we walked through the doors, within seconds my husband was handcuffed and put under arrest. We were told it was for a parole violation, but the deceit soon unfolded. That was the last time I saw my husband in the free world.
The days turned into weeks, weeks into months. Soon law enforcement was piling charge after charge on A.J. Lots of various theft charges. At the preliminary hearing many of these charges were dismissed and dropped by the judge. He even commented that "things didn't look right". Then more charges came. It was almost like we were in a foreign country where the police do whatever they want and no one can stop them. The months soon turned into years. By now we had gone through 3 attorneys, several prosecutors and about 6 judges. It was a scene out of "My Cousin Vinny". As our TV crew watched the circus of events in court unfold, all that was missing were the clowns....or where they right before us? Only our judge seemed to have it together, but then again, "your honor" was a woman. Thank gawd for something.
With each passing court appearance, we sat in shock as the prosecutors had delay after delay. A.J.''s first hearing didn't come until one and a half years after his arrest. Unreal. Sitting in the county jail for one and a half years before you have your first day in court? Isn't this America? At that hearing, more charges were dropped. Then more delays and changing of prosecutors.
Then on Feb. 25th 2010, D.A. Ed Wiley out of the Antelope Valley Courthouse decided that he was seeking a life sentence on A.J. for possession of stolen property charges!! Despite the L.A. County policy enacted by Head D.A. Steve Cooley: D.A. Ed Wiley felt going "rogue" was the way to send a man to prison for life. Nevermind that this man, Aren Marcus Jackson had, since his release been running the ONLY re-entry program in L.A. County that is 100% run by those newly released ex-cons. Nevermind that my husband's first assigned L.A. County parole agent, testified in his defense at one of his hearings. Nevermind that my husband helped with my juvenile hall programs trying to steer young men away from prison life. Nevermind that in addition to helping me run the non-profit, that my husband had found a new career in the film industry as a stuntman working with "attack" dogs.
On Feb. 25th, D.A. Ed Wiley informed us, that even if A.J. was found innocent in trial, that he would look for other charges to strike him out with. A man with a hard on for my husband and we don't know why.
This case has now gone beyond "innocence or guilt" and is now a matter of complete and direct INJUSTICE!!! Child molesters are being given less time and being freed.
A.J.'s is quickly becoming the poster boy for why the 3 strikes law needs to be re-formed!!!!!
In the weeks to come, this blog will be used as a platform to keep the millions of those who are behind A.J., informed of our life of hell with D.A.Ed Wiley. Please stand behind me, my family, our friends and the other thousands of families who are affected by this horrible law that needs to be changed and used as it was originally intended.
Thank you for listening,
Tia Maria Jackson-Torres
I am saddened that you have to go through this Tia. It's just not right. I pray that A.J. will be released soon. I see you doing a good thing with the pit bulls and the parolees and you are truly a blessed person. Hopefully justice will be on your side.
ReplyDeleteHi am Curtis Ruben New York (USA). I am 57 years of age I got married before 27 years. 11 years my wife die and I was alone. I am running a software company so in my office there was a Divorcee woman approx 35 years old, after my wife death she came closer to me and slowly we started an affair she is very pretty and beautiful and I really love her as I used to love my wife she also loves me as her husband we were living together at my home from last six months everything was going on very good I was very happy but before two months she started ignoring me and she left my home and whenever I call her she gives me an excuse and finally before 25 days she said to me that she can’t do it further she does not love me I was shocked what happened my heart was broken and literally I cried too much on that day I was mad nothing was right I tried to convinced her a lot but everything was useless, I can’t describe my situation but by chance I got the help of dr.Trust, on internet as I have told you I am owner on a software company so I didn’t believe at starting but I did not have any option so I talked to Dr.Trust he gave me 48 Days time to complete my work and he said that she will come back happened as he claimed I am very grateful to Dr.Trust we are now happy as ever before, make her know how much we are meet to be together. If you are there having any problems in your have to hurry up and get it touch with Dr.Trust is there to help you( or tel: +2348156885231) i am so happy to share these my testimony with you.
DeleteHaving experience the judicial system and its unfairness, especially if you happen to be less than rich! The system is flawed! Just look at those who have been cheated! Look at those civil servants, ie; police, the courts and D. A.,the system is very slated. All those I mentioned behave as gangs do and together works to convict many innocent men and women. We can only hope that laws change, people change, and the system change with checks and balance to fairness not planted facts and reports lied about! God Speed to those falsely imprisoned......
DeleteHaving experience the judicial system and its unfairness, especially if you happen to be less than rich! The system is flawed! Just look at those who have been cheated! Look at those civil servants, ie; police, the courts and D. A.,the system is very slated. All those I mentioned behave as gangs do and together works to convict many innocent men and women. We can only hope that laws change, people change, and the system change with checks and balance to fairness not planted facts and reports lied about! God Speed to those falsely imprisoned......
DeleteDam Tia, my boyfriend and I love ur show and watch it every week, he was asking me why ur husband was sent back to prison, told him I thought it was a pistol violation, then I googled it and found ur blog, We didn't know what all had happened. I think this is do wrong. Sounds like he's been set up and they don't care what all good things he's done, I know u are appealing all this and I feel for you. I hope for you and him, someone finally realized all the good And and you have done and sets ur husband free.. Lots of love Tia,,. Sincerely,, lisa
DeleteLisa Totten, Fairborn, ohio
DeleteNot a 'pistol''i meant to say 'parole'''
DeleteDam Tia, my boyfriend and I love ur show and watch it every week, he was asking me why ur husband was sent back to prison, told him I thought it was a pistol violation, then I googled it and found ur blog, We didn't know what all had happened. I think this is do wrong. Sounds like he's been set up and they don't care what all good things he's done, I know u are appealing all this and I feel for you. I hope for you and him, someone finally realized all the good And and you have done and sets ur husband free.. Lots of love Tia,,. Sincerely,, lisa
DeleteMy prayers with you and hubby. I too am experiencing our UN JUSTICE SYSTEM , my son age 19 , a skateboarder just out high school. He caught in car w drugs (small amt cocaine) he and everyone charged and convinced to plead guilty and join DRUG COURT NIGHTMARE. Before his first phone call home. Well 2 yrs Drug Court they kick him out 2 mths before graduation due to x girlfriend using the strict rules against him when he dated other girls. My son has litterally been in prison since 2012. He is now 26 ,tatted face neck arms with gang tats from prison. His 4 yr old son doesn't know him and he has 2 more yrs left. He in for violation probation, he didn't report when I was in hospital following a horrific accident. Not 1 dirty drug test nor arrest, a freaking non reporting inncidence. The system is banking destroying our loved ones lives. Georgia alone proffitted close 2 million last year on telephone calls inmates made and commisary. It's an industry. Police are not servants they are gangsters out to find ways to cost you money, they sit on side road infringing on our privacy with scanner's. Now it gives way more info then needed. AMERICA WAKE UP OUR RIGHT ARE BEING STOLE DAILY. CONSTITUTION HAS BEEN STOMPED ON AND YOU ALLOWED . WE THE PEOPLE MUST UNITE AND OVER POWER GOVERNMENT . WE ARE MORE POWER FL THEN THESE WEAK SILVER SPOON RAISED PUNISHMENT RUNNING OUR FREEDOM INTO SLAVERY TO GOVERNMENT , UNITE AS ONE AND FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS. GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN GET ING RICH ON BLUE COLLAR . ITS TIME THEY GET SAME TREATMENT. AMERICA MONEY PAY FREEDOM, BROKEN PEOPLE PAY THEIR BILL , RICH GET RICHER POOR GET POORER
DeleteHow many years has he got in 2018 to get out o jail. This isn't fair as a watcher of your show I see your pain not just in you but in your children and I think as a family you are all helping each other get thru and seek justice so stay strong I know you Wil overcome this because you are a one tough cookie . From nz viewer
DeleteI want to thank Dr Emu a very powerful spell caster who help me to bring my husband back to me, few month ago i have a serious problem with my husband, to the extend that he left the house, and he started dating another woman and he stayed with the woman, i tried all i can to bring him back, but all my effort was useless until the day my friend came to my house and i told her every thing that had happened between me and my husband, then she told me of a powerful spell caster who help her when she was in the same problem I then contact Dr Emu and told him every thing and he told me not to worry my self again that my husband will come back to me after he has cast a spell on him, i thought it was a joke, after he had finish casting the spell, he told me that he had just finish casting the spell, to my greatest surprise within 48 hours, my husband really came back begging me to forgive him, if you need his help you can contact him with via email: or add him up on his whatsapp +2347012841542 is willing to help any body that need his help.
DeleteToday, I saw your program for the first time. Knowing about your husband and all that you stand up made me realize what a strong women you are. It is very heart warmomg to know in this cold world there are persons who care so much for beautiful defendless creatures like pitbulls. I share your passion for dogs and animals, and also trust and love dogs more than people, with people you have to be extra cautious in every sense. I loved your show.... I believe in second chances for people too... Your show was really inspiring and I only wish one day I could do something at least close to what you do.
ReplyDeleteI would like to take in all your pitbulls 'cause I know they are all beatiful in their own unique way.
I'm glad there's a person with your heart in this world. Wish you luck with everything, including your husband's situation.
It would be so much more cost effective to put an ankle monitor on this guy and give him house arrest if they real feel that he is a threat. He comes off the ranch, then violate him. It's a win win situation, at least until there can be a real trial. Keeping him in jail for a property crime is not smart!
ReplyDeleteHey aren god bless you and your wife. i read up on you .. your a stand up guy .
I hope the judge realizes what an injustice he/she would be doing to the community by locking up a man who is trying to do so much good. I hope after this is all over and done with you can get a nice attorney to file a wrongful imprisonment charge (think of all the dog food that could bring in)!
ReplyDeleteWow, what does our legal system have to say for itself when you have a man sit in jail for a year and a half over bogus parole violation charges and yet Lindsey Lohan is relaxing without a care in the world in a rehab. Did she not violate her parole not once, not twice, not three times, but so many times in fact that she should have seen some real significant jail time but has not. Especially this last violation where she tested dirty for cocaine and amphetamines, not to mention that a week out of her two weeks in jail she clipped a baby stroller with her new european sports car and fled the scene. What is going on? I hate to say it but the legal system is only as good as the people practicing it. Unfortunately Tia you will have to continue to fight. Hard working people like us have to fight. We can't grease palms or able to make or break someones career just by our celebrity. When you are an average Joe you have to work hard for everything and you have to fight equally hard for everything. Hang in there. My prayers are with you and your husband. You will be together soon my hope for you both tells me so.
ReplyDeleteWow, what an incredible story! I'm hoping for the best outcome. Our criminal justice system is a disgrace. I hope AJ gets to come home soon. He's been through enough. Good luck and I'm waiting to hear about his release soon hopefully.
ReplyDeleteFrom Canada
ReplyDeleteOh Boy what a mess, I hope the judge can see through the DA and release your husband.. Continue your good work, you are a inspiration to us all.
Tia I can totally relate to your story. My fiance was in federal prison for almost 5 years for a "consipricy to distribute" charge followed up by 5 years or probation. His probation was worse that his prison term! They looked for any reason to violate him. Fortunatally his probation is over but he will always be labled as a felon. He was 19 when he was incarcerated and is now 30, yet we cant even find a place to live because of background checks. I dont understand the system. These people do there time but are forever punished. We also are pit bull lovers, we have 2 and they are discriminated against just like there daddy. Anyway Tia I love your show and the work you do for the animals. Your a incredible woman and I hope a miracle happens and brings AJ back to you soon.
ReplyDeleteTia, I can totally understand what your going thru.. I was never in prison but was in county jail and that fuckin sucked.. I hope A.J. can get out soon and I hope someone see's the struggles u and your worker's go thru on a daily bases and get you guys some help, I would help but considering my background is kinda being brought up so i am having problems finding work, but i hope somehow u can get some help..Sincerly Jennifer
ReplyDeleteI agree with every statement you have made. Why are they looking for a reason to strike him out? I mean he has helped more people than the DA ever has in his life. I agree with another blogger if they are going to enforce the three strikes law why isn't Lindsay Lohan in jail or Mel Gibson, to be technical they have to treat every citizen the same regardless of popularity and regardless of money and fame. It seems to me that AJ help turn his life around for the better and not mention the numerous parolees and juveniles offenders. I am sorry you are in this situation and if I am ever in California I will stop by and volunteer with anything you need help with. I have a had a rough life and understand what you are going through. Keep you head up just know allot of people support you. Hope things look up!!
Your Friend,
I hope everything works out the way it should please keep your head up and know all people are not the same some people care about other people and what happens to them and also care about animals KEEP THE FAITH:)
ReplyDeleteI saw the show "Pitbulls and Parolees" for the first time today. It was stunning the miscarriage of justice your family has suffered. Obviously, your husband has changed his life and become not only a reformed-but a concientous and giving member of society. Isn't that what our prison system SHOULD be trying to do? Unfortunately, it is easy to label- "ex-con", "pit-bull"- instead of taking time to get to know the facts. This "Three Strikes" might help keep a murderer, armed robber or rapist off the streets, but applying the law to a man who lives peacefully while running an animal rescue is an abuse of the law's intent. People should be frightened that the people who are supposed to protect us could be so corrupt.
ReplyDeleteTia we are sending our love to you and AJ and your family. You are amazing!! I am sicken by what is happening to the justice system. I pray everyday for you. California Gov needs to step in. Again I am sicken. Take care we support you.
ReplyDeleteThere are MANY revered attorney's in the US & I thought California had it's fair share. I don't understand why none have stepped up to the plate & volunteered to "right a wrong" especially since this is becoming a well known "injustice" across the US due to the popularity of your show. Well-known lawyers are ALWAYS coming forward to take charge of high profiled cases....why not THIS ONE?!?!
ReplyDeleteI think it is complete BS that here in the USA, "land of the free", home to many immigrants who come here for a "better life", we have men & women sitting in jail, innocent until proven guilty, not a murderer, not a rapist or a child molester, something much less threatening for over a year waiting just to have a trial & then when they do & it's not going as well as the prosecuter would like they go back to jail to sit and wait until the prosecuter thinks he's got enough to win. If the prosecuters are trying to put a man back in jail for life, to put another notch on their belt then where is the next level of justice... the JUDGE?
We need a lawyer with clout to come forward & put these GRANDSTANDING prosecuters in their places & fight for justice because what is happening is a gross miscarriage of justice!!!
Good Luck,
PS: I love your show & what you are doing. A reality show with purpose!!!
Tia, I hope that AJ will get the justice that he deserves. It boggles my mind to see what is happening to your husband and agree that the three strikes really REALLY needs to be amended and that damn prosecutor needs to be fired. I hope that a judge at some point will see what is going on here and make it right. Keep up the good fight for your family and for the dogs and know that eventually everything will fall I to place.
ReplyDeleteGood luck
Debra J
That's how our law system is. Crooked and unjust. My husband was released 3 years ago and has been a model citizen since and still can't get a job because they put a felony on him...for a fake drug charge. He had sugar in his pocket not cocaine. The cop that arrested him tasted it on the spot and said so himself. But that doesn't matter because they seem to think they can do whatever they want to ruin lives. Good luck to u tia...I feel ur pain.
ReplyDeleteTia I fee so sorry for you and your family. When I first heard of your show and program I was slightly annoyed. Helping Pit Bulls & Parolees, "who would want to do that!" Now I watch the episodes over and over and you have changed a sheltered ex-Wallstreeters thinking forever.What you, A.J. and your 4 kids do is invaluable. If we had more opportunities like what you offer these men there would be no need for a third stike rule because prison would not be a revolving door. They should have you travel the country and try to assist other programs not trying to destroy yours. I can only hope the economy gets better so that I can become one of your contributors. I wish you the best in your new home. Godbless.
The last I heard from the show AJ was now serving 15 years, or maybe 8 more. That there was an agreement, with the state and judge.
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible, This man deserves to go home
maybe with a ankle bracelet on so he just has to stay home. Jail is not going to change him.
He been through enough hell. And so has the entire family. I watch the show all the time.
And saw the reaction to AJ going back to jail.
I just say To Tia and family please keep faith in God, yes it is hard at time, Your in my prayers. Your doing wonderful job Tia, with the parolie's that work at the rescue. Its wonderful, a dog can change a person's life, and show them love, and a reason to live. And you do to giving these men a chance. Its a wonderful show, and has shown me how different pit bulls are.
I am going to contact obama,because there is something very wrong in your country !!! To be continued,and hey mr.parole officer:I am going to contact The Whitehouse also about you and your pathetic little have no idea who I am and you'll never will,but you will only notice the concequensis of your disgusting actions.Things come back at you as a boomerang when doing bad to others,I am part of that boomerang.There is always a boss above the boss,keep that in mind!!! Check mate !!!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to add that I know how AJ is feeling and that hecwill get his justice and that you are great people. Great people like you needs to be protected!!! I wish you and AJ all the best !!! Be strong !!!There's a saying: Who laughs last, laughs best ;-) A Friend.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they didnt like that these men were getting the help that they needed, and then it became public... Your doing something that they were not smart enouph to do! Also, I wonder if that first lady that he ad to report to could have seen what he was doing, and decided to take action on the first part of it.
ReplyDeleteI know all that sounds crazy.... but this whole thing is crazy. I dont see how so many people can hate one man so much that they will lie if they have to and even admitt that they will just find anything they can to put him away....
People are horrable and mean. Why dont these guys just throw on bed sheets and paint hitler all over themselves. My GOD!!
I dont know if you will ever read this. But I want you to know how sorry I am. If you cant win against this mess, what about the rest of us who dont have the resourses that you do?? When they are done with AJ.... Someone else is going to be a target.
I hope that when he gets out... you will be able to sell your land and move someplace else. If they come after him again, you have already seen the injustice where you are at. Shoot, I live in Kansas.... Lots of country here. But... you would find it hard to place pits because of our laws that we are fighting. But I guess my point is, find a place where you can be in the country, away from where you are at.
I just feel so sad for all this.
Hello Tia,
ReplyDeleteI can relate to the fears of being the spouse of a second striker. My wonderful husband paroles this Sunday and,though I am very excited, I am stil very fearful of the system today and how unforgiving it can be. If there is anything we can do to help you, just write.
I send you both my prayers and I truly believe that you belong together and that this situation needs to be uprighted for both of your sakes because you deserve to live the life together that you have waited so long and fought so hard for...
With Love & Prayers,
Elaina from San Diego***
Im Behind AJ And Your Family All The Way And Hopes For His Release Soon:)
ReplyDeletei will chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for you that A.J. will be released this is not justice what the D.A. should know is that he needs substantial evidence before to wrongfully arrest a recent parolee like A.J. and convict him to something that is COMPLETE BULLSHIT ! if you ever see the D.A. give him my regards that he can kiss my white ass and let him know that what he is doing IS WRONG !
ReplyDeletemy regards,
Natasha Leone
P.S. if you ever need some help you can always email me at this email address:
I'm going to pray for your husband. Wow, I'm stunned at what ignorance exists in the legal justice system. It's nonsense. I hope that the popularity of the show will shine a huge light on the shameful behavior of by Head D.A. Steve Cooley. I'm disgusted by his lack of emotional maturity and his short sightedness. He should not be representing Los Angeles. Shame on you Steve Cooley I hope your proud of yourself for putting an innocent man who's proven to be an exceptionally wonderful contribution to society away behind bars where his God given talents are being wasted.
ReplyDelete'Free Country' my ass! The founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves by now. My best wishes go out to you Tia, hoping this blatant government injustice against your man stops a.s.a.p.
ReplyDeleteThere are no words other than disgust for your situation. I have absolutely had my fair share of indecent "law men". People think they know a person just because of their wrap sheet, never mind getting to know the person. The constant negative outlook towards parolees and ex-cons is exactly what drives them back into their old ways. I'm not completely sure how the police do things over in California, but over (Charleston, SC) the police think we're back in a wild west scenario and can make shit up as they go. I only hope the best for you and your husband, and as a woman who has definitely been there, just continue to hold him down. Behind every strong man is an even stronger woman.
ReplyDeleteI think this case shows why judges need discretion and an automatic life sentence for a third felony is unconscienable. Still, what is the situation now? Has AJ been sentenced to life?
ReplyDeleteI pray each and everyday for you and your family. Tia you are one tough women. I am sure you and yours will make it through this injustice. I have known Pit Bulls and they are just big ole babies that think they are lap dogs, I just hate what has happened to you and your daughters and how people have demonized pit bulls. The problem is people not the dogs. I am looking forward to the new season with all you guys in New Orleans. Peace out
ReplyDeleteI read the other articles on the Internet about this case. It is more than obvious that you are lying about this case and not only your husbands role in it but yours also. He deserves a third strike and I can totally understand why you are running to new Mexico
ReplyDeleteHello Tia
ReplyDeleteI have been following your story for a while now and it really hurts that with all the good your doing you still have to deal with things like this happening to your husband. I myself is going thru something with the courts that everyone says should be against the law but its the law that's doing it. All I can say is for you and AJ to keep faith and let him know he has a big support system that doesn't stop with just family.
Wishing you the best.
Well, there is a new proposition on the California ballot about the Three Strikes Law. I encourage every one to vote to change this unfair law. I am no stranger to the injustices of the justice system. The Three Strikes law is not about keeping violent criminals off of the street, it's about locking up people for life without just cause.
DeleteI just watched ur show today and said that's what I want. That's what would make me happy. I have grown up with arrests, addictions.... unlucky. I was curious about ur husband because u and ur kids are real. See so many phonies and bullshit. I hope ur husband can get his peace one day because no man really should ever be anothers man judge. but I really have found a focus to commit myself to and I'm jus saying thanks in a way I guess. If I'm able to keep focus and accomplish half of what u have..... keep ur head up. mass
ReplyDeleteClearly the laws in CA are stupid. If he committed even a few of those crimes on the East coast, he'd be serving that life sentance. He was part of a situation at age 23 while already on parole that involved stolen guns, stolen sports cars and my personal favorite, carjacking a police officer. Shooting at a uniformed police officer and taking his cruiser! CA let that guy back on the streets. I don't know why they'd think he's such a bad guy? Maybe they hate his racist tattoos, or he just doesn't follow rules. There are actual innocent men rotting in jail, look at Ryan Ferguson's case. I love what Tia is doing for pit bulls, I just wish she had a brain in her head.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei hope ed wiley lost his job for going rogue and trying to pin other charges on ur husband
ReplyDeleteI've only stumbled upon your blog today. I am facing issues similar with my husband. He is already a 3 striker, spending 15 years in prison for a crime LA county knew was not his crime to bare. Don't get me wrong. His first two strikes were legitimately earned by him; not his last. If obtained, the court transcripts that have omitted much, still show areas of injustice. The benefit of the 3 strikes law is that it gives the "injustice system" leverage over an ex cons head. My husband was pretty much forced into taking a plea because had he not, he would have spent the remainder of his life in prison! After serving 15 years, he was released and upon changing of parole officers, the new one has pretty much vowed to violate him and see that he is returned to prison My husband now feels as though he is still incarcerated; afraid to leave home. Currently, he has a warrant for absconding as we have been homeless. When asked by his PO for a physical address and a date he was to provide it, he was unable to give one.He has not seen his PO since then in fear of being put back in prison indefinitely. Keep in mind, since his release he lost 2 stable home because law enforcement came and did their "searches" (also tearing up the whole house) when only the area in which he slept was allowed to be searched. Family members were handcuffed and taken outside to stand more than 2 hours in the pajamas, he in his boxers, and young children with neighbors looking on. Each time they came to check his residences; guns were drawn. This last time there were three different agencies that participated including home land security. My husband was convicted on residential burglary charges. This still makes absolutely no sense. His mother, a diabetic, requested medication and for more than 2 hours was refused that right. He was arrested after the circus. Charges: a dirty test. Prior to this his PO was informed of medication (Vicoden) that was prescribed to him. There were any illegal drugs present. The commissioner had not been accurately informed of this. Via the PO, his report stated that my husband failed to report, although he had been in the office 3 times within a 10 day period making contact and was released all three times; once by a supervisor. The PO failed to withdraw the warrant and even without police contact and a legitimate dirty, my husband was given 5 months. Men who had numerous obscoundings, dirties for illegal drugs, as well as having police contact were given time served as well as being COP'd ) continue on parole. It is obvious the "injustice system" is targeting parolees. My husband is currently clean, has not had any police contact in more than a year, and is currently enrolled in a community college attempting to better himself, while also deterring today's youth from the mistakes that he made at their age. Each day he goes outside he fears himself being arrested. There have been many nights he cries in fear of having to go back and losing his family for mere prejudism. Here he is a minority of parolees who are attempting to give back to society and staying out of the life of crime, yet it is these few who are being targeted. Not only does the 3 strike law need to be changed for the purpose it was intended. The parole/probation office needs to be changed so that officers are accountable for false or omitted reports. The judges in each court who has knowing used and handed down verdicts to men/woman who are known to be innocent yet are convicted because as many have been told before "the 3 strikes law was made for criminals like you."
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you and yoir family and I pray you all win this fight against the system. Along with many others my children and I have been a victim of the system. I didnt have the knowledge or the tools let alone the money to fight back. There wasnt internet nor did I have family support. We are still suffering. I wouldnt wish my situation on my worst enemy n my heart breaks when I hear others going through similiar problems. If there is anything I can do from Indiana let me know. I will study more about your case and follow through with your fight. We all have or should have had more than 1,2,3 chances at something we've done wrong especially when we've learned from our mistakes ans took action to make it right . God Bless you all. No 1 DESERVES TO SPEND LIFE IN PRISON FOR THEFT. USE THOSE LOCKS FOR RAPIST AND CHILD MOLESTORS ..WOW.
ReplyDeleteDearest Tia ,AJ & family my prayers go out to you for justice to prevail in your way. So AJ comes home and can be part of his families life again.
ReplyDeleteYou have been put through enough bs and this D.A. Ed Wiley should be investigated on the way he's treating you all maybe he should go to jail for false charges and his threats on " Feb. 25th, D.A. Ed Wiley informed us, that even if A.J. was found innocent in trial, that he would look for other charges to strike him out with.". It isn't right what he doing.
God bless you all i sure wish i could do more for you but writing this is all i have to give. Big Hugs to you all. TCOU
Dear Tia, I hope this all works out for you, I watch your show often. It's so sad that people think so bad of these dogs. I was attacked by a pit but it wasn,t her fault. She just had babies and I went over and picked one up. I should've given her the space, it was my fault not hers. I wish I could have dogs and animals, but my youngest son is allergic to animals unfortuently. Could we have AJ's address so we also can write to him and keep him busy. I think what yall are doing is the best. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI never believed in love spells or magic until I met this spell caster once when i went to see my friend in Indian this year on a business summit. I meant a man who's name is Dr ATILA he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I'm now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 5 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTia I love your show and what you do but I think you are delusion about your aj. You make it sound like his sentence is just for having stolen property, and that hes this good dude in the wrong place at the wrong time. Id say his LONG criminal record and serious prior convictions make it understandable they threw the book at him...if you do as much time as he did and still come out and f up at ALL its no ones fault but his own why he is back there. The dude is a career criminal and has given people no reason to think hes changed. Do I think they made an example of him...probably, but lets not act like this is such a tragedy of justice. There are completely innocent people actually sitting in jail. You have a biased opinion and are buggin expecting any sympathy from the court with his record. Maybe when he gets out this time he will learn that when u have a reputation you cant give them any reason to f with you...if he doesnt, well he will be back, and will earn the time get gets
ReplyDeleteTruth. He's original conviction was of attempted murder of two police officers, which he looked guilty of. These newer charges were for stolen credit cards, drivers licenses and social security cards. Not to mention the heroin and other drugs they found, but didn't charge him with. To say he was innocent is delusional at best. He is where he belongs.
DeleteTruth. He's original conviction was of attempted murder of two police officers, which he looked guilty of. These newer charges were for stolen credit cards, drivers licenses and social security cards. Not to mention the heroin and other drugs they found, but didn't charge him with. To say he was innocent is delusional at best. He is where he belongs.
Deletewho made you god?
Deletewho made you god?
DeleteWhat has and is still happening to AJ is a true horror! They want to hang him for non violent crime he did not commit. In Utah my niece's 4 month old son was brutally murdered by his father. That animal is only being sentenced to 15 years and will probably be out in 7. That's for murdering a baby. There is seriously a problem when a baby killer gets less time than what they are forcing on your husband! You have my prayers. Whether that helps....who knows. But I respect you both and the kids for all that you do!
ReplyDeleteIt just goes to show how people think. People can and do change my sister was a four time convicted felon with multiple charges. She was a drug addict with two babies who didnt know her 14 years doing heroin stealing lying cheating everyone said she would NEVER change well its been 9 years clean for her she has held 2 jobs in the medical field and her children are straight A students. So we support you and your family Tia they do need to change the law and these DAs with a hard on for any criminal needs a job change. Good luck to you and your family and keep changing lifes one pitbull at s time.
ReplyDeleteI am terribly sorry about the unjustice that was given to you and your family I watch your show faithfully and believe in all that you and your family are doing for ex offenders like myself I was incarrceratted for 7 years for dui manslaughter I know how hard it is to adjust find a job and make it out here in a society that never forgives I have been free now since 2010 and have since tried my best to better my life it is extremely hard being a convicted felon to survive I will never have a drivers license or be able to drive I watch your show and cry at almost every episode I love and an admire your strentgh and wanted to say thank you for giving people like me a second chance I am such a animal lover and wish I could adopt and care for every hurt starving and abused animal out there but unfurtunatly I can barly take care of myself I also have a brother who was sentenced to 90 years in prison for the perscibtion pill oxycotin so I know how unfair the justice system is I pray for him daily that God will make away for him to come home I know that I can not give up hope for I am all that hes got and I miss him terribly I live in florida and my dream is to one day visit you and maybe even work for you I havent seen any female parollees yet but ya never know theres always a first and us women need second chances too thanks again for keeping me uplifted and giving me hope
ReplyDeleteOh, for never ends. I spent the first 10 years of my nursing career as the Director of Nursing (medical, psych & dental care) for a large jail and a Charge Nurse at a Super Max prison in my state and I can't tell you how many "freed" inmates who've done their time & follow their conditions of parole get ball-butchered by a corrupt system of political zealots trying to make a name for themselves. Sickening doesn't even come close to describing half the suits working in the system. I'm sorry you guys are having to go through this garbage. I've really admired what you and your family have created and your work within the Juvenile Justice as well. We share a history mentoring kids to try and keep them from ending up "behind the wall". At any rate, I know you'll keep up the awesome work; giving second chances is most definitely your calling, and keep the faith re: justice for A.J. If there's any way those of us from other states can help you with letter writing, petitions, lobbying, etc., please post and let us know. Sincere well wishes to you, Aren, the kids, the parolees, volunteers, the Rescue itself and all the fur friends you all care for. You're transforming lives, Ms. Tia. There's no greater calling than that.
Soy de Panama, me fascina tu programa, me siento identificada con la labor que realizan. Una de las cosas que he aprendido viendo su programa es que no hay que juzgar al libro por su cubierta. Muchas personas al verlos tatuados etc, se hacen una imagen negativa de ustedes sin embargo son personas con una sensibilidad con los animales, que me enternecen. Gracias por lo que hacen. Ojala hubiera un millón de Tia Torres y de gente como ustedes cambiarían al mundo . BESOS
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear all of this, my heart breaks to know how awful and corrupt the justice system is and how many families it destroys. I pray for your happiness and to be strong. You are an amazing woman, the entire country knows that.
ReplyDeleteIs there any news on AJ's situation?
ReplyDeleteLooks like a total set up by the good ol USSA and the freaks in Cali. I am only recently becoming aware of your story Tia, but I am vaguely aware of some fires that burned your property as well. Oh how fishy...NOT. The NWO WILL NOT allow regular people to be rehabilitated and to rise up, can't allow that, no never. Don't want the masses to RISE UP. Stay strong Tia. And stay FAR, FAR away from the freaks in Cali. It's exactly why I left there twenty years ago and never looked back.
ReplyDeleteWhy do they not take AJ and transfer him to Mississippi where Tia is. and let him on work release, let him go to work , drop him off and pick him up at night, Let this man see his wife, and eat, dinner, lunch, and breakfast with her spend time with his family. Or put a ankle bracelet on him and let him out. Like house bound kind a thing. He is no murderer, He got set up for sure. Give this man a break, and let him out of jail.
ReplyDeleteHi am Curtis Ruben New York (USA). I am 57 years of age I got married before 27 years. 11 years my wife die and I was alone. I am running a software company so in my office there was a Divorcee woman approx 35 years old, after my wife death she came closer to me and slowly we started an affair she is very pretty and beautiful and I really love her as I used to love my wife she also loves me as her husband we were living together at my home from last six months everything was going on very good I was very happy but before two months she started ignoring me and she left my home and whenever I call her she gives me an excuse and finally before 25 days she said to me that she can’t do it further she does not love me I was shocked what happened my heart was broken and literally I cried too much on that day I was mad nothing was right I tried to convinced her a lot but everything was useless, I can’t describe my situation but by chance I got the help of dr.Trust, on internet as I have told you I am owner on a software company so I didn’t believe at starting but I did not have any option so I talked to Dr.Trust he gave me 48 Days time to complete my work and he said that she will come back happened as he claimed I am very grateful to Dr.Trust we are now happy as ever before, make her know how much we are meet to be together. If you are there having any problems in your have to hurry up and get it touch with Dr.Trust is there to help you( or tel: +2348156885231) i am so happy to share these my testimony with you.
ReplyDeleteWasn't this posted 4 years ago? Has your life not changed one iota in all this time?
DeleteHi Tia what is the latest on Aj's case is AJ finally out of jail ? I must say that I am amazed and impressed about the work you do for pit bulls keep up the good work
ReplyDeleteI wonder if anyone has thought of hiring a PI and finding out why (was it Wiley?) has it in for your husband. It might help knowing what to do next. Being armed with knowledge can't hurt.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely detest these DA zealots that just will not relent on ex cons trying to move on with their lives. Ironically---this asshole Wiley reminds me of a pitbull---he has sunk his teeth into Mr.Torres and will not let go! This is nothing more than a witchunt and it sickens me. This isn't justice.
ReplyDeleteAre they still married? Will he ever get out? She used to talk about him all the time and I never hear her speak of him anymore. Just curious.
ReplyDeleteAre they still married? Will he ever get out? She used to talk about him all the time and I never hear her speak of him anymore. Just curious.
ReplyDeleteHi tia my name is lisa im from laramie, wyoming i watch the show as often as i can i love the show. We have 2 dogs and a cat.
ReplyDeleteI just want to know what is happening with aj
Hope u will let me know.
The doga r special
Hi tia my name is lisa im from laramie, wyoming i watch the show as often as i can i love the show. We have 2 dogs and a cat.
ReplyDeleteI just want to know what is happening with aj
Hope u will let me know.
The doga r special
Hi tia my name is lisa im from laramie, wyoming i watch the show as often as i can i love the show. We have 2 dogs and a cat.
ReplyDeleteI just want to know what is happening with aj
Hope u will let me know.
The doga r special
Dear Tia andfamily,,I have watched and enjoyed the show since you first hit animal planet.
ReplyDeleteI am in my sixties and have so much respect for the work that everyone does, however please take care of yourselves you and yours girls especially,
Ladies you are working in extremely stressful circumstances. This is we're I'm going...all of you have lost a lot of weight and appear exhausted, take it from a women who worked herself into disability., please you kind and loving ladies don't forget to keep yourself and family healthy and happy so your work can continue,
Always Love and respect to you and yours.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am now watching reruns of your show from 2009. Love the show and the work you do. In 2009 you said that your husband A.J. should be out in five years but that time has passed. Do you know when he wil be released? I am praying for you both and your work and animals. Chris
ReplyDeleteHey tie I think its dumb what you are going on with husband. But I am sorry. I been watching your since season one. I always thought Aj would be out by now. I been watching your since I was 9 now I am 18. I love your show. I hope you keep caring for dogs
ReplyDeleteHey tie I think its dumb what you are going on with husband. But I am sorry. I been watching your since season one. I always thought Aj would be out by now. I been watching your since I was 9 now I am 18. I love your show. I hope you keep caring for dogs
ReplyDeleteAre there any updates on AJ's case?
ReplyDeleteHey I'm on your side. I breezed thru a few comments and there are a lot of people who have no idea how corrupt the system is. They really think you have to commit a crime to be charged for you fools out there hope you don't get a phone call one night from your son or daughter in the county jail. They just may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm an expert on bad luck. Here's a true story on a petty theft becomes a strong armed robbery. Can anyone strong arm a Burdines the answer is no but if you have a record of incarceration and an A hole for a prosecutor they will make so many threats that you might plead out if the offer is good enough. People don't do it. I did 5 years paper with no conditions I was still violated. I'm no angel but to my credit I'm not a sex offender and my only violent crimes were against Leo's. If you don't know hat that means you haven't had any hard times. I am now a 60 year old man with my pit bull Isis named before I ever heard of Isis she was a rescue and my Harley and my Shelley who has been there for better or worse for 30 years with me. I know AJ got a bad deal the system isn't fair and never will be in my lifetime. Try getting a job as an x con. After so many years it shouldn't even be asked. Actually after 3 yrs. it should not be an issue, but that's not the case these background checks go back a lifetime some of them. No one is innocent just lucky. Tia I could always use a job pitbull said in the family since 1967. That's a long time. Love your show thanks for the great work, and hope to see AJ on it soon!!!
ReplyDeleteFuck the system!!!! Sorry for the language,but I have no other way to say it. I did 4 years in prison and 4 more years on community corrections they violated me 2 weeks before I was supposed to be free and clear time served. Said I failed a drug test for cocaine and I know for a fact I was clean!!!!! They would not show me the results would not let me take another one and said they wouldn't send my piss test to a lab... So the D.A.said I would only be locked up for about a month so I signed the paper 14 months later I get to back in front of the parole board well I get back out on parole for another 11 months. I only has a 5 year sentence
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for this shit you and your family have been put through. Our justice system is so corrupt. I want to help in anyway I can. To read the injustice of your story, my jaw hit the floor. I'm praying for you and your family. That your husband will come home and that someone exposes these crooks for the assholes they are! There are no words to describe what you all are going through. My heart breaks for you and your family.��
ReplyDeleteWow!to know that this can happen to anyone out there in this country just sickens me. I hope they get everything that comes to them and hopefully your husband is returned to you!! Shame on the district attorney I hope he finds his self in a pair of bracelets for what he he has done.
ReplyDeleteTia, It's really sad to see what you and your family are going through,don't lose faith or hope and always think positive. I really hope and pray things go your way. Just don't ever give up and always assure your husband that you will always be by his side,I know him being away from you and your family is hard but you have to keep living your daily life. You are a strong woman and as long as your man sees that you are taking care of everything that needs taking care of,the easier he will do his time. Send him lots of letters and take lots of pictures and most of all visit him when you can,always assure him that your there for him and let him know how much you love him.Before you know it he'll be coming home to you and your kids,( and Dogs ) and when he is home in your arms,,,, Don't Ever Let Go. Best wishes for you and your family. You deserve nothing but happiness . God Bless You All.
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ReplyDeleteMy Name is Alan Pratte, From USA. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr OTIS DARKO has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex WIFE to me with his great spell, I was married to this woman called Sharon we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to make her pregnant for me and also give her al she needs she left me and told me she can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get her back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email: then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost WIFE back, and after a month she became pregnant for me because he gave me some herbs to take also and when she went for a test and the result stated that she was pregnant am happy today am a FATHER of a baby girl, thank you once again the great DR OTIS DARKO for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child/PREGNANCY SPELL.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money.
(10)Stop Divorce
(12) Winning of lottery
(13) Cure To Hiv/Aids
Hello my child. did you received my email? my child, I want you to understand that dr. Oluku is a very generous dr, who like to help people for their problems, especially HIV. my child, you hardly respond to my email, then why is it so? because I have already contacted the supplier of the items my child, so all you will need to do is to go and make in the payment for the items my child, so that I can proceed for your work, because my gods has accept to help you my child, okay?
ReplyDeleteI think Tia is looking for tangible support in changing this law. Not a bunch of b.s. nut jobs trying to sell her shit and pry personal details out of her.
ReplyDeleteGod bless Dr. Magana for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2014 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. Magana,how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES,thank you
The Justice system in this country is a JOKE !!! Like you said Tia...Child molesters get less time. This country is going to HELL and NO ONE gives a damn !!! I hope that A.J. can finally get some justice. He has served his time & the boys in blue need to leave him alone and let him get back to his family.
ReplyDeleteIsn't the 3 strikes law supposed to be for VIOLENT OFFENDERS? I don't understand how they can make this into 3 strikes for life.
ReplyDeleteOur laws are flawed plain and simple. Change is needed.
Have you tried going above the heads of those gunning for A.J.? Try congressmen, state reps, senator's, governor and hell even the president (might want to do that last one now in case Trump wins, if that happens he will help the prosecution)
I will look for presendence online and do whatever I can help.
Let me know if you want it.
Love what you do with the doggies and parolees. I'm an animal lover also.
Rochelle Pierce
I'm giving a testimony about DR Aziegbe the great Herbalist, he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my herpes simplex virus, though I went through different website I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalist, I was like: 'Many people's have the herpes simplex virus cure why are people still suffering from it?' I though of it, then I contact DR Aziegbe via email, I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared it (CURE) and sent it to me through Airfreight Online Courier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office, they told me that 2-3 days I will receive the parcel and i took the medicine as prescribed by him and I went for check-up 2 week after finishing the medicine, I was tested herpes simplex virus negative, if you are herpes simplex virus patient do me a favor by you contacting him and I assure anyone who is suffering it,your problem will never remain the same again you will be cured.ALSO DR Aziegbe help my sister husband to cure his HIV/AIDS he was suffering from it for the past 3 years, After he {cure} my herpes simplex virus, then my sister heard about it, she went home to tell her husband about DR aziegbe then her husband email him and explain his problem to him, he also prepare herbal medicine and he use Airfreight courier service to sent him the herbal medicine and he instruct him on how he will be using it for 14 days, That on the 15 days of it, he should go and check his self in the hospital and he did as he was instructed by DR Aziegbe to GOD be the glory he was cure of his HIV/AIDS which he was suffering from for the past 3 years thanks to these great man we will ever remain grateful to you sir indeed might work you did in our families. When you contact him, make sure you tell him that I refer you.. contact him via: DRAZIEGBEHERBALHOMEOFSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rusty Kate, from UK I never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa on a business summit. i meet a man called Dr. Erigo.He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love?s gone,misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job.i?m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years? i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to New York, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn?t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do? well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid,and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email; you can see what he can do and i believe that he can help you, Or you can email me to get more information on
ReplyDeleteHope he gets the right judge on his side /they just love keeping people in prison /maybe they need to go so they can realize the problem they have to over come /send that prosecutor straight to prison/fuck the 3syricks your out how about one hit and your out /be safe good luck /love your show /signing off (Manson)
DeleteWhat the hell? All these spells and potions crap? Get the hell gone from here and leave this site alone! Tia, what's the latest on AJ ?
ReplyDeleteTia, First I would like for you and AJ to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteI am a 51 year old woman who has been railroaded through the court system more than once.
I've come to the conclusion that there is No Justice, only Law.
My Grandmother was raped and beat by a young man (3 days shy of his 18th birthday) he was high on meth,this was the same day we played my Grandfather to rest.
My Grandmother was 52 years old at the time. She used to babysit the creep who hurt her. Because he was a minor in the eyes of the law, he served 32 days and one year probation. My husband got 5 years for a little over an ounce of marijuana this was his second strike. I am terribly sorry but you and AJ are having to go through and I wish I could help you in some way. Until the justice system is completely revamped there's not a thing any of us can do. What we need are some honest please some honest judges and some honest parole officers, and we'll never get that unless we have some honest senators to help get new laws passed. But I've come to the conclusion is that jails and prisons are big moneymakers. Just wanted you to know someone is praying for you and AJ. And I wish you and your family all the luck in the world!
Been there done that.!.!.!
Hey Tia, I hate how they are treating your husband. He has not done anything wrong and for police to think they can go and do whatever they want and charge people with things they have not done just so their records look better and they get paid is 100% WRONG. You are right! They need to set uo the justice system to where everyone is allowed their rights and not charged with something they didn't commit just so the police can her paid or charge them because they dislike a guy for no reason. I love your show and i love what you do for these animals! I soon one day hope to start a cause like yours and save these animals because they do not deserve to be neglected either. I wish you all the best of luck!!
ReplyDeleteInjustice for AJ can't wait to hear when He will be released.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it such a secret as to A.J.'s release date Tia? I am one of many supporters of what you do for the dogs as well as your love for A.J? I watch all of your shows and this is the only thing I question about you. It's mid 2016 now and it's like he doesn't exist at all now_
ReplyDeleteThere was a show in September about the run a round in court! Judge 1 didn't have time, Judge 2 another excuse, finally Judge 4 (brother of judge that had previously sentenced AJ) all in one day! Big run-a-round. A.J. Took DA's deal (I think it was 15 years). Other option was jury trial that if he lost - life w/o parole! Since AJ has been spent NINE years incarcerated waiting for his day in courtt - shouldn't he get that as time
Deleteserved? He was totally screwed!!! No one has to wait nine years for their day in court and then given 30 minutes to decide do I take 15+ more years or risk trial (I think it was to be judge's decision - guilty or innocent) guilty being life w/o parole! (Sorry, I had pneumonia the day I was watching and my memory is vague).
It was totally unfair! The crooked DA and PO had decided it was THIRD strike! A man had less than an hour to decide his entire future!
Three strikes is a failure! Rapists, repeat pedophiles, etc., get a year on a second stike! This sorry PO did not even consider any of the other parolees as being the possible guilty party! Another PO playing God with someone's life!! God has a place called hell for people like that PO!
Think about it, AJ spent NINE years incarcerated waiting for his day in court!! That is not the way the law reads! And people wonder why there are so many protests in LA! You do not want to live in California unless you are Lindsey Lohan and can pay off the legal system! $$$$$$$$$$ She violated probation 3 times, three strikes by CA law! But, she had $$$$$$$$$$ to grease palms!
May everyone that was involved in destroying this man's life find God or burn in HELL.
Don't give up AJ. I hope you sue all these crooked people for every penny they have!! It won't give your time lost back - but they will be poor for a short time until they get a big case they can collect $$$$$$$$$ from another Lindsey Lohan!!!
You saw a repeat... He was sentenced when the rescue was in CA, it's been in L.A. for years now. It was something like 18 months to go to court and if I remember correctly that long ago it was in 2006ish that he took the deal.
ReplyDeleteObviously, you have the right name for your self righteous life and ideas! AJ paid his time to society for his original crimes! Our law states he paid and does not continue to pay!! Are you a total idiot, maybe relative of crooked PO or one of the many judges that want nothing to do with this case!
Karma will come around someday and YOU little CHASTITY perfect girl will find yourself in a legal situation that turns out UNFAIR in your mind! Who are you to keep judging anyone? Our law states once you've paid your crime with time - you have the right to a clean slate!
Looking for the day you accidently run over someone that ran in front of you - you get manslaughter and FIVE years! An eye for an eye! You will remember this post on this blog!!!
chasity sounds like just another angry person talking shit
ReplyDeletechasity sounds like just another angry person talking shit
ReplyDeleteLife is good when you have your love ones around you, I am saying this because when i had issues with my lover i never seen life as a good thing but thanks to Dr. AGBAZARA of AGBAZARA TEMPLE, for helping me to cast a spell that brought my lover back to me within the space of 48hours. My husband left me for another woman after 7YEARS of marriage,but Dr.AGBAZARA help me cast a spell that brought him back to me within 48hours. I am not going to tell you more details about myself rather i will only advise those who are having issues in there relationship or marriages to contact Dr.AGBAZARA TEMPLE through these details via; ( or call him on Whatsapp: +2348104102662
ReplyDeleteSure...prisoners are released with "spells" maybe you should put your crappy spam somewhere else... Or just keep your "spells" for you and the others in your head...
ReplyDeleteHi tia my name is Corbin Jackson I'm from pa Bristol Ill will be watching your show tonight ive safed pits for about two to three year finding them home here and there I just saw you show with your husband and I just all most went through the same thing a Detective had it out for me but I wish you and your family the best and hopefully one day I can adopt a dog for my son and my daughter one day have a good day
ReplyDeleteHello Tia My name is Angel, I live in London England and I am an avid fan of you and the work you do. You, your family Earl (i luv earl) are absolutely amazing the work you do is AMAZING. We need you here in the UK (any chance of you bringing your good work across the pond?) we are a nation of Dog lovers and have restrictions on Pitbulls here because people abuse then and use them as weapons ( but they are not born that way. I am so sorry to here about your husband it seems really really unjust and from what I read they are seriously unfair and I sincerely hope that all works out for you have you thought about that british barrister that works in the US with death row prisoners - he is extremely good and exceptionally good at bringing injustice to the global public domain - Clive Stafford smith check him out he may be able to assist in your husbands case. I think that the law enforcers could not believe that he was doing good and maybe they do not want an 'ex-con' to achieve more than they - They have some SERIOUS problems. Anyhow I wish you all the very best Tia and keep up the good work. We love you and what you do for pit bulls and parolees. And Come to England Please!!! BIG BIG HUGS to you, your husband, your children, the parolees and pit bulls. Mmmwah!!!
ReplyDeleteHey ‘Confused About Caring’— She doesn’t know when he will get out you psycho. Nor does she owe you or anyone else personal details.
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Paulson Hooker,i am from USA.I want to share my testimony on how i get cure of my HERPES GENITAL with the help of Doctor OTIS DARKO, I have being suffering for this disease for a very long time now and I have try several means to get rid of it, but there was no solution to it because my doctor told me at the hospital that herpes has no cure.I have being scam by several people on internet who claim that they have herpes cure.but I never gave up, until I saw a post,posted by JACK WILSON. when I saw her testimony I was happy because she make a statement that the herbal doctor medicine is for free. after reading the testimony,so I collect the herbal doctor email and mail him about my herpes that I need cure and 4 hours later he replied my mail, and told me to send him my details about my self and after that he told me that his herbal medicine is free and that the only thing that I need to do, is to provide money that he will use in getting the herbal medicine preparation done and I told him that he should give me 2/3 days to get the money amd we keep on sending mail to each other and using phone calls to communicate and three days later I got the money that he request for in getting the items and I send it to him he email me that he has purchase the items that he is about to prepare the herbal medicine and after the preparation he send the herbal medicine to me via fedex and he also give me the guide line on how to use the herbal medicine and after using it for 8 days as he told me, then I went for medical checkup at the hospital and I was so surprise that the doctor congratulate me that am now herpes negative and I was so happy because at last am free from herpes and also I want to thank WILSON for using doctor OTIS DARKO to cure my herpes and another testimony is that two of my friend who also have herpes that contacted doctor OTIS DARKO for their own cure have also been cured from herpes and now they are also herpes NEGATIVE like me and if you have herpes or any other disease and you want to get rid of it, DR OTIS DARKO is the best DR to cure it. If you want to be sharing the same testimony that am sharing with other who has being cure by him kindly contact doctor OTIS DARKO via this email: .... DR OTIS GOT ALL CURE AND REMEDY TO ALL KIND OF SICKNESS YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN SUFFER FROM AND ALSO SPECIALISES IN THE FOLLOWING:
(1) If you want your ex-back.
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(5) If you want a child.
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(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Herbal care
(10) if you are unable to satisfy your wife sex desire due to low err action.
(11) If your menstruation refuse to come out the day it suppose or over flows.
(12) If your work refuse to pay you, people owing you.
(13) Solve a land issue and get it back.
(14) Did your family Denny you of your right?
(15) Do you have a low sperm count?
(16) Are you contesting for any political position in your country?
(17) Case solves E.T.C
After being in relationship with him for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU SIR HIS EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEM
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